

Why Harvest Rainwater?

“Catching rainwater for use in the garden is my way of being a good steward of a God-given resource. Having a beautiful jar to catch the water adds a wonderful artistic element to the equation.”

Proud Ong™ owner and community leader

  • Water harvested for landscape irrigation conserves and replaces our precious groundwater resources.
  • Rainwater captured and stored during downpours helps overwhelmed municipal storm water systems, minimizes runoff and prevents landscape erosion.
  • Watering with a hose attached to an Ong™ jar is allowed anytime in drought-prone areas, while municipal water use is often restricted.
  • Targeted watering tailored to each plant’s needs conserves more water than broadcast sprinkling.
  • Pure rainwater and AC condensation is more plant-friendly than chlorinated municipal water.
  • With proper filtration, harvested rainwater can be used for household purposes.*

Why Harvest Rainwater?
Local Rebate Programs

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